Lots of advice is being given to make sure your resume includes keywords. Keywords are the new buzzword in resume writing. But what is the difference between a buzzword and a keyword when composing your resume? A buzzword is a word or term that sounds authoritative, technical or important and is currently popular in a specific industry, field of study or group. Buzzwords are also called jargon, slang or lingo. Buzzwords can be used on a resume to capture a hiring manager’s attention by demonstrating you know the industry. However, many are often overused, tired and meaningless. Buzzwords often are generalities and on your resume you want to speak in terms of specifics. Examples of buzzwords inclue: good communicator; think outside the box; hard worker; expert… By comparison, a resume keyword is a specific action, skill or expertise an employer is looking for in a new hire. Keywords can describe a specific job requirement. Keywords on your resume should be provable and supported by accomplishments. Keywords should be listed on your resume as actions: delivered, managed, produced, improved… or can be quantified. Example: increased saled by 20% in the first quarter; improved efficiency by 10%; served 50 happy customers per day…